Sometimes setting big goals such as when you want to retire and how much income you want at that point can seem like very large goals. Its worth remembering that good financial planning is a journey, a series of steps taken that lead to your ultimate goal.
I reflect on this having spent an enjoyable evening with good friends who are both teachers. They have spent the last couple of weeks walking Shakespeare's Way, from Stratford upon Avon to the Globe in London, staying with friends along the route. Its about 150 miles and today they complete the last section of their journey having left us this morning. They have been accompanied by their two children, who are only 9 and 13 and are a great credit to them.
The key to their success - well, perhaps its a bit obvious - but basically knowing where they are heading, having a map and breaking the task up into small milestones. The same principles for good financial planning.
Well done Bill & Rachel (and Harry & Rosalind)
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