OK, contraversial issue here. We all know that Banks are not popular. This is largely due to the credit crunch, which was partly caused by irresponsible lending - which meant that many of us had large mortgages approved and so fed the property price boom - which was really little more than self inflated borrowing and a general lack of supply, not genuine "market forces". Anyhow, with all the horrendous press that Lloyds have had - and my blog about them recently was not exactly favourable, they have launched a new 95% mortgage facility for first time buyers.

Loans can range up to £350,000 for a first time buyer - so assuming that this sum is 95% of the purchase price which would be about £368,421 with a maximum deposit of £18,421.... which probably still requires an income of £100,000 to secure the £350,000 loan... for a first time buyer! So at the top end I don't see these selling like hot cakes and the scheme seems to have more than a whiff of hot air about it, but hey... its for the journey...the question is surely TO WHERE?
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